Compensation with generational forests means restoring natural resources and thus improving the system services of our planet. Regardless of regulatory obligations, for example under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), corporate responsibility for their actions and their impact on people and the environment is about far more than policies and guidelines. It is about achieving a positive impact and making a lasting difference - today and in the future.
This is exactly where our Generation Forest comes in, offering impact-oriented, holistic solutions on three levels of your business activities in a way that allows you to effectively and measurably improve your impact. In this way, you make responsibility an important part of your success.
Our generational forest offers companies the opportunity to offset CO₂ and also create a positive impact in the form of species conservation, climate protection and fair jobs for local people. By purchasing forest shares, you as a company finance the reforestation and maintenance of generational forests - so that it can continue to exist in the long term.
We at The Generation Forest eG are the owners of a wholly-owned subsidiary, Waldmenschen S.A., in Panama. This makes it easier for us to conduct business transactions, like land purchases, payments, certifications, etc. Waldmenschen S.A. owns the land directly. The outlay for purchasing land and managing the forestry projects are paid for through their account. Furthermore, it offers the advantage that we can employ our own people in Panama and purchase vehicles and equipment.
Our partner Futuro Forestal is responsible for the operational work on the ground. The company was founded in 1994 by the Panamanian forest engineer Iliana Armién and the Hamburg geographer Andreas Eke. Both developed and tested the concept of the generational forest in cooperation with important actors such as the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, the United Nations Environment Programme and indigenous communities, on which our cooperative forests also thrive.
Transparency is one of our fundamental values. In our library you will find all documents, such as financial statements, contracts and ownership certificates. If you don't find the document you are looking for, please contact us through our mailbox or at info(at)thegenerationforest.com. We will shortly get back to you and send you everything you need.
The Generation Forest describes itself as a responsible social business and for good reason: with our work, we support the implementation of the international sustainability goals by making an important contribution to the global transformation of the economy. In doing so, we are making an important contribution to achieving the SDGs, which prioritize the well-being of people and the environment. As an investing member or the cooperative or as a sepnder, your company will also become a supporter of these important goals.
Book an appointment with our team here.