Lastenia project area

The area is located in the water catchment zone of the Chucunaque River, one of the biggest in the region. The Lastenia finca comprises four contiguous areas of land.  

[Translate to English:] Aufforstungsprojekt Lastenia


Total area

586,5 ha



Distance from Pan-American Highway:

17 km

Afforestation status:

32 % of the current area is afforested

20 years ago, the area in which the fincas are located was covered with exotic wood forests. Forestry companies consequently cleared these forests to use the land for growing teak. The previous owners used this land mainly for livestock farming. The adjoining areas of land are teak plantations.

[Translate to English:] Jonathan Dominguez Forstleiter

“I am very proud to say that I work in a forestry enterprise. People always ask me, “with teak?” – but I answer, “No, we are cultivating Generation Forests!”

Jonathan Dominguez

Forestry Manager


Height: 194 ha
Project start: 2021
Afforested: 55 %

Potential tree species for afforestation:
Cocobolo, Rosewood (Dalbergia retusa)
Spanish Cedar (Cedrela odorata)
Tropical Oak (Tabebuia rosea)
Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla)
Almendro (Dipteryx oleifera)
Teak (Tectona grandis)

The finca comprised 4 smaller fincas joined together to form one larger unit. There are several adjoining plots of land in the vicinity, which could make an expansion of our Generation Forests possible in the future. The surrounding area has approximately 300 hectares potentially available for sale.

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Height: 94 ha
Project start: 2022
Afforested: 79 %

The finca comprised 4 smaller fincas joined together to form one larger unit. There are several adjoining plots of land in the vicinity, which could make an expansion of our Generation Forests possible in the future. The surrounding area has approximately 300 hectares potentially available for sale. However, the sellers are currently observing developments as other potential buyers are out there.

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Height: 31 ha
Project start: 2022
Afforested: 0%

The finca comprised 4 smaller fincas joined together to form one larger unit. There are several adjoining plots of land in the vicinity, which could make an expansion of our Generation Forests possible in the future. The surrounding area has approximately 300 hectares potentially available for sale. However, the sellers are currently observing developments as other potentional buyers are out there.

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Darién region

We currently own several project land areas in the Darién region, including our first afforestation project in the tropics, which we started in 2017. The region is famous for the Darién-Gap, the only interruption in the Pan-American Highway, which links Alaska with Tierra del Fuego. Darién was originally covered in lush rainforest. However, in the 1970s, livestock farming strongly encouraged deforestation. The diminishing sustainability of the soil has resulted in the continuous decrease in livestock numbers. The objective of our projects in Darién is to regenerate the fertile soil and create green corridors between existing forests.

  • Aufforstung Lastenia Darien
  • 148 Hectares | 3 Fincas | 100 % afforested


    Our fincas are located in the Panama Canal watershed, so our forests not only sequester CO₂, but also make a positive contribution to the water management of this waterway that is so important to the world economy.

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  • 361 Hectares | 9 Fincas | 72 % afforested

    Agua Fria

    In 2017, we started our first reforestation project in Panama called "La Reina". We bought this area to show how a monoculture can be transformed into a generational forest.

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  • 621 Hectares | 15 Fincas | 92 % afforested


    The territory is adjacent to the indigenous territory of the Guna de Wargandí, creating protected zones on site and expanding existing habitats.

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  • 234 Hectares | 3 Fincas | 86 % afforested


    Some time ago forests here were cut down for pasture. The previous owner used an area as a horse paddock.

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