Fantastically varied: species conservation and biodiversity

Climate change, global warming, extinction of species – these modern phenomena are inextricably linked. They are not just mutually reinforcing; they also negatively affect for our welfare as people. So, it is high time that we tackled the underlying ecological problems and joined to find a solution – for a liveable, green future. 


Healthy eco-systems created by our green corridors

The tropical rainforest is not just an effective brake on the advancement of climate change by storing huge quantities of carbon, it also represents an important habitat for numerous different plants and animals that find food and shelter there. So tropical forests have an essential role in the global conservation of species. 

Our earth needs greater diversity: Permanent mixed forests instead of monocultures

Tropical rainforests are our most important eco-systems perform a significant role in our climate and resilience. At one time, the forests of Panama formed a green bridge between North and South America, but now just 40% of the country is covered with forest. Extensive tree clearing has radically debilitated the key natural functions of the “green corridor”.

Healthy eco-systems created by our green corridors

To reverse this progression, we ignore monocultures and plant various indigenous tree species instead. The result is a permanent mixed forest that not only counters the displacement caused by imported tree species, but also revives degraded land. This sustainable management is how we ensure that 100 years from now, the forest will still be able to perform its critical tasks – and help ensure a green future. 

  • Dauerhafte Mischwälder erhöhen die biologische Vielfalt.

Green, integral, global: The positive impact of our Generation Forests

The positive impacts of our Generation Forests are comparable with those of natural tropical forests:

Fantastically diverse: species conservation and biodiversity

Climate change, global warming, species extinction - all these ecological phenomena of our time are inextricably linked. Not only are they mutually reinforcing, but they also have a negative impact on the well-being of us humans. It is therefore high time that we act on the basis of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations and recognize the protection of ecological livelihoods as the basis for economic prosperity and social stability.

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What we've achieved to date: Habitats for flora and fauna

Our work and projects have a great impact – both locally and globally. To make this impact measurable and transparent, we work with our partner organisation, Sociedad Mastozoologica de Panama (SOMASPA), to conduct regular biodiversity monitoring. By using camera traps for a monitoring project that ran from 2018 to 2020, we were able to identify a significant proliferation of fauna:

  • The number of mammal species in the Colón project area grew from 18 to 26. 

  • These include four species that are classified as threatened or endangered nationally: the puma (Puma concolor), lowland paca (Cuniculus paca), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and the jaguar (Panthera onca). 

  • It was found that there was a large stock of fruit-eating birds, which are crucial to the dispersal of seeds and forest preservation.

  • Through our afforestation projects, we plant more than 20 indigenous tree species.

  • More than 20 indigenous species of trees are planted as part of our afforestation projects. Many of these are protected to prevent the endangerment of existing stock, such as the American mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), Spanish cedar (Cedrela odorata), and rosewood tree (Dalbergia retusa).

  • In addition to the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), we have been assessed under the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards (CCBS) for our impact on climate, biodiversity and work with local communities.

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We are currently working on a new, comprehensive biodiversity study. Our partner Futuro Forestal already commissioned such a study back in 2015. We expect the results by the end of 2022 – and we are truly genuinely excited to see them!


There's no time to lose: Why it’s so important to tackle the loss of species

All our projects see us implementing measures urgently needed to combat the decline of species along with climate change and its devastating impacts. At the same time, we are generating positive social effects by developing an economically viable product. You can find out more about the relevance of our projects and their crucial impact in our free brochure! 

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