Nicanor project area
Some time ago on this area forests were cut down for pasture. The previous owner used one of the spaces as a paddock. The current vegetation primarily comprises grassland and occasional scattered trees.
![[Translate to English:] Aufforstungsprojekt Nicanor](/fileadmin/Nicanor/the-generation-forest-Nationalpark-Wasser-Land-header-Aufforstungsprojekt-Nicanor.png)
Total area
Distance from Pan-American Highway
3 km
Afforestation status
14 % of the current area is afforested
The adjoining farms are currently used as teak plantations and grazing land.
![[Translate to English:] Jonathan Dominguez Forstleiter](/fileadmin/Lastenia/the-generation-forest-Nationalpark-Wasser-Land-m2-Aufforstungsprojekt-Lastenia.png)
“Here we are reclaiming land where forests once stood – and which is currently still grazing land.”
Jonathan Dominguez
Forestry Manager

Size: 37 ha
Project start: 2022
Afforested: 80 %
Potential tree species for afforestation:
Cocobolo, Rosewood (Dalbergia retusa)
Tropical Oak (Tabebuia rosea)
Pink Trumpet (Tabebuia impetiginosa)
Spanish Cedar (Cedrela odorata)
Almendro (Dipteryx panamensis (Mountain Almond)
Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla)
Balsam of Peru (Miroxylon balsamo)
Ron-ron (Astronium gravioles)
Teak (Tectona grandis)

Size: 131 ha
Project start: 2022
Afforested: 84 %
Potential tree species for afforestation:
Cocobolo, Rosewood (Dalbergia retusa)
Tropical Oak (Tabebuia rosea)
Pink Trumpet (Tabebuia impetiginosa)
Spanish Cedar (Cedrela odorata)
Almendro (Dipteryx pnamensis)
Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla)
Balsam of Peru (Myroxylon balsamo)
Ron-ron (Astronium graveolens)
Teak (Tectona grandis)