Achieving great things together
Together we are part of the climate solution

We are planting tropical forests in Panama to counter creeping global deforestation – and to extract CO₂ from the atmosphere in a natural way with our Generation Forests. And the results are there for all to see: Every single hectare of our Generation Forests reduces the atmosphere’s CO₂ content by a whole 20 tonnes every year!
Learn moreTogether, we are preserving nature’s diversity of species

By establishing and interlinking existing habitats, we are conserving the biodiversity of the tropical rainforests, while boosting the natural resilience of ecosystems.
Learn moreTogether we are creating a social impact

We are a social business. That means our projects are aimed at identifying a balance between economic, ecological and social aspects. As a social dimension, sustainability has formed part of our DNA from the very outset. We work with local people in a partnership of equals, creating long-term jobs and sustainable social prospects.
Learn moreTogether we are generating green returns

We look to outcome-based investments with green returns – without any exploitation of nature or people. With our near-natural and sustainably managed Generation Forests in Panama, we generate a green dividend for our members at fair terms on the ground.
Learn more