Climate change does not wait

Now is the time to make a difference together

Climate change continues to advance - with devastating effects. Global climate catastrophes, rising CO2 pollution, rapid global warming and a 1.5 degree target that is receding into the distance: the climate, our planet - and therefore our future - are threatened as never before. We need to act now and find a climate solution together. Here you can find out what you can do together with us.

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Everything at a glance

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In our free brochure you will find all the important information - among other things about our strong cooperative, the unique concept of generation forests, the various projects and our ambitious goals.

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nature positive: The key to a green future

A central approach to our work is holistic thinking. This is because we believe that we can only solve the problems of our time in the long term and sustainably if we reconcile ecology, economy and social issues. We cannot stop climate change by merely halting the destruction of forests.
We have to do more!

This very attitude is reflected in our nature positive concept: With our holistic approach of nature positive we reverse the previous destruction of nature. In this way, we create a possible solution to the global climate crisis and a path to a world in which we can continue to live safely in the future.
Acting nature positive is a prerequisite for us to have a chance to still meet the 1.5 degree target.


A term with a big impact: What does "nature positive" mean?

Simply explained, nature positive means stopping and reversing the degradation of the natural environment in our world. Reversing the current process of destruction of our planet is essential for successful climate protection: among other things, nature-positive solutions enrich biodiversity, freshen water and store CO₂. The focus here is on a holistic approach. Instead of only focusing on compensation or damage limitation, the resilience of nature, society and the planet should be restored sustainably and fortified. 1


Local forests with global impact

Our permanent generation forests as a nature positive solution

With our cooperative, we have deliberately opted for a holistic approach and thus also for an economic reforestation model. Only through such an economic approach can we create fair jobs for local people in the long term, finance social projects, preserve our forests in the long term and drive the necessary economic change.

Why you should become a part of our shared vision

There are countless reasons that make our social business a true - our - matter of the heart. Here are three of the reasons why you should become part of our shared vision. Because together we can achieve more!

  • Ecologically sensible and necessary:

    Reforestation of the rainforest* is a sensible solution to climate change.

    Mehr über Generationenwälder
  • Sustainable and Investment:

    With your investment, forests are sustainably reforested and permanently preserved. In this way, we can generate a green return for our members with our generation forests - without exploiting people and nature.

    Mehr über Green Investment
  • Social and fair:

    With the economic reforestation model of our social business, we create fair and long-term jobs. We also finance various social projects that additionally improve the lives of local people.

    Mehr über unseren Social Impact

*Reforesting rainforest" is a frequently used term. However, it is not quite correct from a technical point of view: one should actually speak of the reforestation of tropical forests, since rainforests or virgin forests cannot be reforested by human hand.

  • 0

  • 0 €
    cooperative capital

  • 0 ha
    protected land

  • Our current numbers

    A collective with great impact.
    We firmly believe that we can only achieve our ambitious goals as a collective. Thus, community has been a fundamental value of our cooperative from the very beginning. Only together can we be part of the climate solution and, as a community with global influence, change the world sustainably - and improve it.

  • Our current numbers

    A collective with great impact.
    We firmly believe that we can only achieve our ambitious goals as a collective. Thus, community has been a fundamental value of our cooperative from the very beginning. Only together can we be part of the climate solution and, as a community with global influence, change the world sustainably - and improve it.

  • Our current numbers

    A collective with great impact.
    We firmly believe that we can only achieve our ambitious goals as a collective. Thus, community has been a fundamental value of our cooperative from the very beginning. Only together can we be part of the climate solution and, as a community with global influence, change the world sustainably - and improve it.

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Your patch of forest in Panama

Minor effort, major impact:
This is what you achieve with your investment

When you buy one share from us, it equals 500 m² of generation forest and ...

  • … Offsets 1 tonne of CO₂ per year in the long term.
  • … Protects 500 m² of new habitat for animals.
  • … Creates long-term jobs though sustainable management.
  • … Generates a long-term, green return.
  • … Is available from €1,495 or in instalments starting from €28 per month.
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