The Generation Forest in the media

In this section you will find all the TV, radio, print and digital media reports and articles out there about The Generation Forest and our mission. It's worth stopping by here regularly – more reports and articles about our shared vision will follow at regular intervals.


  • TV

    The power of El Niño

    In the search for facts and solutions about extreme weather, the German television team finally arrives at our areas.

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  • Podcast

    How CO2 compensation and forests work for everyone

    At Impact Buddies, everything revolves around investments. Andreas Eke reveals why forests in particular make sense as gigantic CO2 reservoirs.

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  • Podcast

    Female Empowerment through reforestation

    What does female empowerment have to do with reforestation? In this episode of "Fairquatscht", Charline explains how The Generation Forest provides women in particular with prospects, development opportunities and fair pay.

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